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Student Life

Reflecting the diversity of the student body itself, Moravian students have access to a broad range of activities, opportunities, and responsibilities. This diversity is an educational resource, and the College’s programs and policies derive much of their strength and scope from the different student interests and commitments represented at Moravian.

Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs strives to advance the educational mission and vision of the College by promoting the development of the whole student in a campus climate that is both challenging and supportive. The division encourages students to embrace liberal learning at this historic college by exploring answers to the following questions: Who am I? How can I lead? What is my responsibility to the world?

By creating conditions, fostering environments, and developing programs and services that facilitate all facets of student development, the division encourages students to fully realize their educational experience both in and out of the classroom, while promoting shared values of scholarship, engagement, global perspective, citizenship, diversity, character, personal accountability, personal well-being, and continuous learning.

Departments and programs that fall under Student Affairs include residence life, student conduct, Greek life, student governance, leadership development, orientation, career development, learning services, counseling, religious life, community service, student activities, campus safety, and health services.

The advising and counseling resources of the Student Affairs staff play an integral part in the academic life of the student. The Career Development Office utilizes a comprehensive approach to career planning that begins in the student's first year and culminates in job-search activities and graduate-school preparation in the junior and senior years.

In addition to study skills workshops, learning assistance programs are offered on a regular basis. The College maintains a Writing Center, administered by the English Department, to help students with writing skills. Support services also are available for students with specific learning and physical disabilities. With appropriate documentation of need, students may register for a reduced course load and/or classroom accommodation.

The College Health Center is managed by St. Luke's Hospital. The center is staffed by a nurse practitioner and a registered nurse. Regular physician hours are maintained, and a nurse practitioner specializing in reproductive health care has hours by appointment. Excellent hospital facilities exist near the College.

The ecumenical spirit of the Moravian Church is reflected in the fact that more than 20 different faiths and denominations are represented among the College's students and staff. Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish chaplains serve the College's religious life, which includes a Multifaith Council, the Moravian College Christian Fellowship, the Newman Association, and the Moravian College Hillel Society, which has a partnership with B'rith Sholom Synagogue in Bethlehem.

The Campus Safety Office is responsible for security, crime prevention, and law enforcement. Staffed 24 hours a day, the department includes both commissioned police officers with police powers and security officers without police powers.